Give Lively Event Ticketing icon

Event Ticketing

Create user-friendly pages to sell event tickets, sponsorships and more. Unlimited, search-optimized, customizable pages come complete with tailorable payment tiers, a map, personalized thank-you emails and a progress meter.

Example of an Event Ticketing page

What our members love

Unlimited event pages
There's no limit to how many event pages you can create... and all for free.
Streamlined experience
Attendees can easily purchase tickets, save event details and share news of your event, all on any device.
First-class customization
User-friendly, info-filled pages allow for custom ticketing, sponsorship and advertising tiers.

Great for your fundraising needs

In-person and virtual
Make it easy to register for a gala, 5K race, conference, virtual fundraiser, volunteer day and more.
All types of tickets
Sell tables, VIP tickets, complimentary/discounted entry and more, with room for donations too.
All info on one page
Set up tickets, input important event information, then add optional video and images.
Embedded video
Include your livestreamed or recorded video broadcast through services like YouTube, Vimeo and Zoom.

A fusion of form and function

  • Unlimited event pages
  • Spark interest in your event by adding video, images, text and more
  • Customizable tiers for tickets, tables, sponsorships and advertising
  • Custom ticket quantities, sale availability period and pricing (including complimentary and discounted)
  • Donations possible on top of or in lieu of ticket sales
  • Ability to set a tax-deductible amount for each ticket price
  • One-step ‘Add to Calendar’ button
  • Automated, personalized thank-you emails for each ticket tier
  • In-person location and directions set via Google Maps
  • Built-in space for public or private virtual / livestreamed event links
  • Optimized for Google Search
  • Auto-synced and downloadable event attendee data
  • Progress meters can track and exhibit donations in seconds on Campaign Page and Live Display

Members gain full and free access to all of our digital fundraising products.


Members gain full and free access to all of our digital fundraising products.


We have some answers that will help you

How soon can my nonprofit start using Give Lively products?
What types of virtual or in-person events can Give Lively products be used for?
How does Give Lively protect donor data?
Still got questions? Let us help you