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Change the default donation frequency

This article contains instructions for nonprofit organizations about how to change the default donation frequency — either "Monthly" or "One-Time. “ This can be easily accomplished at any time on your primary fundraising page and any of your fundraising Campaign Pages. For donors: please see "Before You Get Started" (directly below).

Before you get started

Video Overview


Before you get started

Video Overview


Before you get started

Video Overview


Before You Get Started

Video Overview

Video Transcript


It's easy to change the default donation frequency on your primary fundraising page or any of your fundraising Campaign Pages. Keep in mind that Peer-to-Peer Fundraising pages associated with your Core Profile or a Campaign Page inherit the setting you choose.

If you would like a notification for every donation your nonprofit receives, you can set this up in Stripe in three easy steps.  

For Core Profiles

  1. Log in to the Nonprofit Admin Portal.
  2. Under "Edit Your Nonprofit's Core Profile," click the "Basic Information" button.
  3. Scroll down to "Set the Default Frequency" and change the selection from "Monthly" to "One-Time" or vice versa.
  4. You can follow the same process to change your page back at any point.

For Campaign Pages

  1. Log in to the Nonprofit Admin Portal and click the “Campaign Pages” link in the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Select the Campaign Page on which you would like to change the default donation frequency. Be sure to look within the “Active” tab of current Campaign Pages. If needed, use the search tool to pull up results only within that tab. Search results will include the desired term, whether it is all or part of a word or phrase in the campaign name or slug.
  3. Click the “Manage” button to the right of the Campaign Page link.
  4. In the "Edit Campaign Page" section, click the "Campaign Name, Description, and Goal" link.
  5. Scroll down to "Set the Default Frequency" and change it from "Monthly" to "One-Time" or vice versa.
  6. You can follow the same process to change your page back at any point.

A note about payment forms

Give Lively has two generations of payment forms in use. Your choice of features will dictate which form appears. At present, setting the default donation frequency is supported by both generations of payment forms. Activation of this feature alongside the others on this list may trigger the second-generation payment form. Any combination of features beyond those detailed on the list will continue to see use of the first-generation form.

IMPORTANT: Both generations of payment forms guide donors through very similar giving experiences and there is no reason a nonprofit should favor one payment form over the other. Over the next few months, the new payment form will become the standard for all Give Lively donation pages. Learn more here.


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