Is this article for you? It covers information for donors giving through Give Lively pages/forms.
Is this article for you? It covers information for individual/team fundraisers who collect donations on behalf of Give Lively member nonprofits.
Is this article for you? It addresses donating through Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket.
Is this article for you? It addresses donating through Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket.
Is this article for you? It covers information for nonprofits learning about Give Lively.

When will Giving Basket data be available?

This FAQ addresses Give Lively’s role in processing donations through Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket and may not apply to all Give Lively members.

Giving Basket donor and donation data is available in the secure Reports Portal, powered by Give Lively. New information is added after a disbursement has been successfully initiated through the Give Lively Foundation. 

The secure Reports Portal is also where you can track disbursement of both checks and direct deposits. The on-screen “Line Items (Giving Basket)” report in the portal includes a column that describes “Disbursement Method” (“check”, “transfer” or “not yet disbursed”). This lets you know what to look for. To track the amounts and delivery statuses of Giving Basket check or direct deposit/transfer disbursements, consult the on-screen “Checks” or “Transfers” reports, respectively. This lets you know when to start looking for the disbursements to arrive. All of this information, along with other more detailed donor, payment and disbursement data, is also available in the downloadable CSV file of the “Line Items (Giving Basket)” report.

Additionally, for Give Lively members, Stripe provides limited data once the Stripe Transfer has been initiated. This includes the amount of the transfer, any subtracted Stripe fees, and both the “Account” and “Transfer” IDs. Learn more about what you can see in Stripe. To keep nonprofits up to date on the donations received through the Giving Basket, we send an email transfer notification the first time (only the first time) a Stripe Transfer is initiated.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Access to data will almost always precede access to donated funds, though there are many variables, including the date of the donation, payment method and type of disbursement. Please keep in mind the standard timelines for disbursement.

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