Is this article for you? It covers information for donors giving through Give Lively pages/forms.
Is this article for you? It covers information for individual/team fundraisers who collect donations on behalf of Give Lively member nonprofits.
Is this article for you? It addresses donating through Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket.
Is this article for you? It addresses donating through Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket.
Is this article for you? It covers information for nonprofits learning about Give Lively.

What information is available in the Giving Basket donor data?

This FAQ addresses Give Lively’s role in processing donations through Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket and may not apply to all Give Lively members.

Giving Basket donor data is available through a secure portal and reports powered by Give Lively. It includes the data detailed below about the lump-sum payments (made by check or by Stripe Transfer) generated by Giving Basket donations.

Through the Giving Basket, a donor may make one or more contributions at the same time (in one single “order”). In the case of multiple donations, they may all be to your nonprofit or to several nonprofits. When a donor makes multiple contributions, even if they are all to your nonprofit, each donation is catalogued as a separate line item in the larger order. (Your donor data reports will always only show donations/line items benefiting your nonprofit, never those of another nonprofit, even if they were made in the same order.)

Line items can vary in amount and frequency, and have different dedications. Line Items can also indicate financial information such as the gross amount a donor contributed, payment processor transaction fees and any refunds that may have been applied.

There are two levels of data:

On-screen reports

To see summary on-screen donor data, log in to the Reports Portal and look in the "Data Reports" section in the left-hand navigation bar.

Two helpful notes:

Line Items (Giving Basket)

To see summary on-screen donor data, log in to the portal and click on the "Line Items (Giving Basket)" link in the "Data Reports" section of the left-hand navigation bar. You can also use the search tool at the top of the report to jump to an “Order ID”, "Email" or "Full Name" found in your Stripe data. The data on display is as follows (from left to right):


To see summary donor data from contributions disbursed via direct deposit, log in to the portal and click on the "Transfers" link in the "Data Reports" section of the left-hand navigation bar. The data on display is described below (from left to right). You can also use the search tool at the top of the report to jump to a “Payment Platform Transfer ID” found in your Stripe data.

  • Payment Platform Transfer ID — unique alphanumeric identifier of the transfer disbursement 
  • Transfer Date (timezone) — date the Stripe transfer succeeded (or most recent transfer, if updates were made): UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of your Give Lively Core Profile
  • Amount — net amount of transfer (“Gross Amounts” minus “Transaction Fee Amounts” minus “Total Refunded Amounts” – see the downloadable CSV for these amounts)
  • Amount Reversed — net amount of transfer, should it be reversed
  • Disbursement Account ID — Stripe account ID to which funds were disbursed
  • Transfer Status — The status of transfer disbursement: “succeeded”, “pending”, “failed” or “reversed”. “Reversed” denotes when a transfer must be recovered due to an outdated or restricted Stripe account.


To see summary donor data from contributions disbursed by check, log in to the portal and click on the “Checks” link in the “Data Reports” section of the left-hand navigation bar. The data on display is described below (from left to right). You can also use the search tool at the top of the report to jump to a “Check Number.”

  • Check Number — number of the disbursement check mailed by the Give Lively Foundation
  • Mailing Address — nonprofit’s full mailing address as specified by the IRS databases we reference; please update mailing address if it has changed
  • Disbursement Fee — the obligatory $0.93 per check processing fee
  • Check Amount — the net amount of the donation (“Gross Amounts” minus “Transaction Fee Amounts” minus "Fractional Disbursement Fee" minus “Total Refunded Amount” – see the downloadable CSV for these amounts)
  • Mailing Status — status of the check shipment: “in_transit” (processed at initial mailing facility), “in_local_area” (processed at destination facility), “processed_for_delivery” (ready for delivery within one business day), “re-routed” (due to errors or changes of address, or USPS relabeling), “returned_to_sender” (due to address or other errors)
  • Check Sent Date (timezone) — date the disbursement check was mailed (or most recent check, if a replacement was required): UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of your Give Lively Core Profile
  • Voided Date (timezone) — date the check was voided, if applicable: UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of your Give Lively Core Profile

Downloadable CSV reports

To download a comprehensive CSV file of Giving Basket donor data, log in to the portal and follow these instructions. The downloadable CSV contains all the information in the “Line Items (Giving Basket)” on-screen report plus a whole lot more. Currently, nonprofits can only download a CSV of the comprehensive “Line Items (Giving Basket)” report. The data contained in the "Line Items (Giving Basket") CSV is as follows:

  • Line Item ID — unique alphanumeric identifier for a single line item in an order
  • Order ID — unique alphanumeric identifier for the checkout order, which may contain multiple line items
  • Order Date (timezone) — date and time of the donation: UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of your Give Lively Core Profile
  • Full Name — donor’s full name, when not anonymous
  • First Name — donor’s first name, when not anonymous
  • Last Name — donor’s last name, when not anonymous
  • Email — donor’s email address, when not anonymous
  • Donor Mailing Address — donor’s full mailing address, when not anonymous
  • Donor Mailing Street (line 1) — donor’s street address, when not anonymous
  • Donor Mailing Street (line 2) — optional second line of donor’s street address, when not anonymous
  • Donor Mailing City — donor’s city, when not anonymous
  • Donor Mailing State — donor’s state, when not anonymous
  • Donor Mailing Zip Code — donor’s zip code, when not anonymous
  • Original Amount — donation amount added to cart before any “Covered Transaction Fee”
  • Covered Transaction Fee Amount — additional amount added to cart to pay for “Transaction Fee Amount”
  • Gross Amount — total donation amount, including the “Original Amount” plus “Covered Transaction Fee” if the donor has chosen to cover it
  • Transaction Fee Amount — transaction fee charged by third-party payment processor (Stripe/Paypal)
  • Fractional Disbursement Fee — The portion of disbursement fees applied to a line item. The $0.93 per check processing fee is applied proportionally across all donations included in any monthly lump-sum check. Checks with more than 93 line items will see $0.00 disbursement fees after the 93rd line item
  • Total Refunded Amount — total amount refunded on this specific line item
  • Net Amount — net donation amount (“Gross Amount” minus “Transaction Fee Amount” minus "Fractional Disbursement Fee" minus “Total Refunded Amount”)
  • Frequency — frequency of donation, either “one-time” or “monthly”
  • Subscription Item ID — unique alphanumeric identifier for a specific recurring donation
  • Subscription ID — unique alphanumeric identifier for a subscription order containing multiple recurring donations
  • Giving Basket Hot Topic — special cause for which funds have been earmarked, if designated
  • Dedication Name — name of person to whom donation is dedicated
  • Dedication Type — type of dedication, either “in honor” or “in memory”
  • Receipt Sent Date (timezone) — date the donation receipt was sent: UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of your Give Lively Core Profile
  • Disbursement Method — how the funds were disbursed: “check”, “transfer” or “not yet disbursed
  • Transfer Date (timezone) — date the Stripe transfer succeeded (or most recent transfer, if updates were made): UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of your Give Lively Core Profile
  • Transfer Status — The status of transfer disbursement: “succeeded”, “pending”, “failed” or “reversed”. “Reversed” denotes when a transfer must be recovered due to an outdated or restricted Stripe account.
  • Payment Platform Transfer ID — unique alphanumeric identifier of the transfer disbursement 
  • Disbursement Account ID — account ID to which funds were disbursed in the payment platform (e.g. Stripe)
  • Check Number — number of the disbursement check mailed by the Give Lively Foundation
  • Check Sent Date (timezone) — date the disbursement check was mailed (or most recent check, if a replacement was required): UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of your Give Lively Core Profile
  • Dispute Date (timezone) — the time that a dispute was initiated by the donor, if applicable: UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of your Give Lively Core Profile
  • Disputed Amount — the amount of this line item being disputed
  • Dispute Status — The current status of the dispute. There are many possible dispute statuses, depending on whether the dispute is pending resolution or resolved and in Stripe or PayPal. Learn about the statuses associated with donor payment disputes. 
  • Payment Platform Donation Date (timezone) — date the donation payment succeeded within the payment processor: UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of your Give Lively Core Profile
  • Payment Processor — processor of the payment (Stripe/Paypal)
  • Payment Method — method of payment: “card”, “bank”, “google pay”, "apple pay" or “paypal”
  • Recipient Entity Tax ID — The EIN of the entity that received the donation. This is can either be the nonprofit organization or the Give Lively Foundation (which then disburses the funds)
  • Recipient Entity Name — The name of the entity that received the donation. This is can either be the nonprofit organization or the Give Lively Foundation (which then disburses the funds)
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