Our 2024 year in review: amazing growth, major milestones

December 31, 2024, was a bright capstone on an incredible year of fundraising.
On that final day of the year, nearly 10,000 nonprofits (Give Lively members and a host of others that receive donations through Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket, powered by Give Lively) collectively received:

That is the largest one-day total ever processed by Give Lively technology, a sign of how important nonprofits are to the world.
A December to remember
Even more impactfully, the whole of December 2024, which included Giving Tuesday, saw the grandest monthly totals thus far in our 10 years of supporting nonprofits:

In fact, for all of 2024, we saw:

For more about nonprofit and Give Lively successes across 2024, see below.
Nonprofits saved lots of money
In 2024, we hit a major milestone: In September, we celebrated helping the nonprofit community save at least $100 million in tech expenses on $1 billion raised since our start in 2015. This followed on a more detailed look, immediately after GivingTuesday 2023, at how we make our calculations.
Today, in the aftermath of the incredible totals raised by nonprofits just in December 2024, we wanted to revisit that calculus.

The big takeaway: Nonprofits saved a lot on tech expenses just in December 2024 by using the Give Lively fundraising platform.
Read more about the motivation for, calculus behind and importance of Give Lively helping nonprofits save money on digital fundraising technology in 2024 and beyond.
We're here for donors
We believe that our tools should be as easy and frictionless for donors to use as they are for nonprofits to build. In 2024, we continued the renewal launched in 2023, all guided by the requests shared by nonprofits.
Fundraising page redesign

We refreshed some of our fundraising pages (for now, only Core Profiles, Campaign Pages and Donation Widgets) so that they are more straightforward for donors to navigate, including people with visual/other impairments, and flexible for nonprofits to build.
To the Give Lively website we added updated navigation and a new graphic feel.
New payment methods and other payment form improvements
We expanded our portfolio of payment methods to include Venmo and monthly PayPal, as well as Apple Pay on Branded Widgets.
These were ushered in alongside a variety of upgrades made possible by our new payment form, including donors’ ability to cover PayPal payment processing fees, donors’ ability to make anonymous donations with all payment methods, including Google Pay and Apple Pay, and donations with cents in the custom donation field.
We're guided by nonprofits
We have always relied on direct collaboration with nonprofits to propel the development of products that serve their needs and disburden them of for-profit fundraising software.
New model for Custom Questions

We launched our new model for adding custom questions to donation forms. One of the most-requested features in our user feedback, it is already a much-utilized expansion of the previous "questions" functionality.
Expanded membership eligibility
We opened Give Lively membership to more 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations, including both public charities and private operating foundations.
This was powered by our move to direct reliance on public data available through the IRS for information about nonprofits. As always, we personally review every application to ensure each member nonprofit aligns with our progressive values, a core membership criterion.
Profiles and stories about member nonprofits
There are a thousand stories in the big nonprofit community. We showcase a bunch of them as member profiles and through short, topic-driven member spotlights.
Member stories
Give Lively members fundraise on our platform in creative ways. See our tech in action and get inspired.

Member spotlights
Using history and heritage days and months as prompts, as well as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, we featured more than 100 nonprofits that use Give Lively to support their important work.

Fundraising law shake-up
In the wake of California’s push to bring transparency and accountability in online charitable fundraising – a move that has been deeply frustrating to all of us – we have continued to systematize what happens when a nonprofit is identified as “delinquent,” “revoked” or shows an indeterminate tax-exempt status.
We're ready, strong, stable and growing
We guide, steward and advocate for nonprofits. We can best do this as a friendly, supportive, inclusive force for good.
Top-tier support
Give Lively’s skilled, experienced, tight-knit and busy customer support team is the front line of help for our active membership of approximately 9,000 nonprofits and their donors. Through chat, email and webinars, they are always ready with quality help. In 2024, they saw:

- 90 minutes - average first response time across all channels
- 58 minutes - median time to close a conversation
- 18,000 - conversations (34,000 replies from the team)
- 95 - live demos/webinars for more than 800 prospective, new and established member nonprofits
Safe and secure fundraising
We do everything in our power to support fundraising tech that provides a successful, seamless and uninterrupted fundraising experience throughout the year. So we set up continuity and contingency plans, positioning them at the ready for any occurrence.
Bespoke emails
We've improved how members can manage the emails we send. We encourage proactive personalization of the information received.
Default lists
Member nonprofits and others interested in receiving news and updates from Give Lively are initially automatically subscribed to our basic information lists for updates about our company, platform, best practices, nonprofit profiles and vital services.
Additional lists
We also strongly encourage subscribing to a handful of specialized but critical lists:
- Updates page notifications - an email prompt when we publish a new update (sign up here)
- Beta testing opportunities - notices to member nonprofits interested in trialing new or improved features and products (sign up here) before their general release
- Give Lively platform status page - to see immediate updates about all service interruptions (sign up here)
Meaningful milestones
$100 million saved from $1 billion raised

In September 2024, we estimated that we'd saved the nonprofit community at least $100 million in tech expenses on $1 billion raised since our start in 2015.
100,000 customer support conversations
Our customer support team hit another milestone in October 2024: 100,000 “conversations,” or start-to-finish chats and emails initiated by member nonprofits or their donors.
1,000 nonprofits using Salesforce integration
In October 2024, we registered the 1,000th member nonprofit using our free, five-star Salesforce integration, an NPSP-compatible native integration that automatically syncs Give Lively data to Salesforce on an hourly basis.
100 Update articles about Give Lively and our nonprofit community
At not quite two years old, our Updates page now has more than 100 articles through which we share company and product updates, as well as the human side of Give Lively, especially through a nonprofit spotlight series featuring more than 100 nonprofits that use our tech.
Impressive NPS score
We feel good about our Net Promoter Score. It is reaffirming – that our mission, values and products are serving the needs of our users.
DEI, sustainability and accessibility
As Give Lively and as individual employees, we support all people and the health of our one and only planet.