Sign up for beta testing opportunity emails

Learn how to sign up for beta testing opportunity emails and be the first to learn about beta testing opportunities.
June 10, 2024
Ethan Gelber
Content Director

Give Lively’s team is unrelenting. Every working day, we focus on adding new features to our platform, improving on the current features and fixing any unexpected snafus. We're motivated by the knowledge that nonprofits use our tech to tackle tough challenges and complex issues, deploying the funds raised to focus on gender and racial equality, reproductive health and LGBTQ+ rights, social and environmental justice, education, domestic violence, immigrant services and more.

The importance of closed betas

When we’re ready to launch a new feature or complete the major overhaul of an existing one, we’re careful only to release it after comprehensive testing. We begin with internal quality-assurance review, but then often roll it out as a "closed beta," sharing it with a limited number of nonprofits. 

These closed betas are an integral part of our collaborative product development process. By voluntarily participating in a closed beta program, member nonprofits give us valuable feedback in exchange for early access to the new products and features. The goal is always to establish best outcomes before expanding the circle of users to more, and eventually all, of our members.

How to learn about closed betas

To make it easier for all of our member nonprofits to learn about and potentially join upcoming betas, we’ve created a beta testing opportunities sign-up form

This automatically subscribes users to our beta testing opportunities email list through which we will announce upcoming closed betas. (This email list can also be joined – as can all others – via the email preferences page.)

Examples of closed betas

In the past, we’ve run closed beta programs for, as examples:

Looking ahead, we expect to initiate a closed beta program for the integration with our new additional payment processor, called Shift4.

Now is a good time to sign up for beta testing opportunity emails and be the first to learn about beta testing opportunities.

Give Lively will only use people’s names and email addresses for the email communications to which they subscribe. List subscriptions (and unsubscriptions) can be managed at any time via the email preferences page. See our Privacy Policy.