Is this article for you? It covers services only available to Give Lively member nonprofits.
Is this article for you? It covers Salesforce integration services only available to Give Lively member nonprofits.
Grant Salesforce login access to Give Lively support
To address questions and concerns that may arise relating to Give Lively’s Salesforce app, the Give Lively support team may ask you to grant temporary login access to your Salesforce org. Here’s how.
Before you get started
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Before you get started
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Before you get started
Video Overview
Before You Get Started
You must be, or work with, a System Administrator in Salesforce.
Video Overview
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How to grant login access to Give Lively
- Log in to your Salesforce org.
- Click the avatar/icon in the top-right corner.
- Click the "Settings" link.
- Click "Grant Account Login Access" in the left-hand submenu under “My Personal Information”.
- Look for Give Lively in the list on the right, then use the dropdown menu to grant access for seven days.
- Provide your Salesforce Organization ID to Give Lively Support. The steps to retrieve it depend on your Salesforce interface: If using Lightning, go to Setup, then Company Settings, then Company Information. If using Classic, go to Setup, then look for Company Profile under Administer, then Company Information.
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