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Create successful Peer-Based Fundraising campaigns: our ultimate guide

Explore the elements and best practices of our Peer-Based Fundraising technology, so you can convert fans to fundraisers and leverage the power of your networks.

Before you get started

Video Overview


Before you get started

Video Overview


Before you get started

Video Overview


Before You Get Started

Have you set up a Core Profile? It's a critical first step.

Video Overview

Video Transcript


1. Define a peer-based campaign type

There are many types of peer-based campaigns. Pick one that matches your fundraising strategy. Here are some examples: 

  • Time-based campaigns  take place within a specific timeframe, usually from a couple of weeks to a year, and are often tied to scheduled events, like an annual walkathon. Participants raise money continuously from the start date of the campaign until the moment of the event.
  • Rolling campaigns are a bit more general, allowing for ongoing fundraising until a goal has been achieved.
  • Giving days are a new type of gamified peer-to-peer fundraiser that is steadily gaining in popularity and effectiveness. They challenge donors to raise as much money as possible or achieve a specific goal within 24 hours or less. 

2. Get your campaign “peer-to-peer” ready

  1. Making sure that Peer-to-Peer Fundraising is enabled on your Core Profile and/or on any desired campaigns (see bullet point 6). Once done, an “I Want To Fundraise For This” button will appear on your fundraising page. This is where supporters can click to create their own fundraising pages. 
  2. Setting suggested fundraising goals for individuals supporting a specific campaign (see bullet point 9).
  3. Choosing whether to allow donors to give anonymously and dedicate donations in honor or in memory of someone, and picking the default donation frequency. The choices you make here will be inherited by the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising pages associated with the Core Profile or Campaign Page.
  4. Activating the Leaderboard.

3. Recruit your fundraisers

  • Invite your most passionate fans to become fundraisers. Reach out to them with news of how peer influence can have a significant impact on your organization’s mission. Advise them about what to expect when they support a campaign. Always include a clear call to action to create an individual fundraising page on behalf of your nonprofit.
  • We recommend that you provide a direct link to any campaign’s “Create A Fundraising Page” page.
  • Additionally, be ready to offer support to anyone with questions about the sign-up process, fundraising commitment, or anything else. You can point them to this resource about how to build an individual Peer-to-Peer Fundraising page.

What to say when you reach out to potential fundraisers

Here’s an email template that takes all of this into account. Feel free to modify the text and use it at your convenience.

Hi there,
We greatly value your support of our mission to [state your mission].

We’re running a fundraising campaign and would love you to join the effort. It's very easy to raise funds that benefits [the main program(s) of your nonprofit].

Peer-based fundraising can have a huge impact on our organization by connecting us to new supporters and donors who believe, as you do, in showing solidarity with those who need it the most.

Get started now [add the direct link to the “Create A Fundraising Page” page associated with your campaign]!

We appreciate your support and we’re are always here to help you along the way. Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!

4. Set up your fundraisers for success

  • Provide them with resources to create a powerful fundraising page, such as your nonprofit’s logo, evocative background images, videos, and helpful program and campaign descriptions.
  • Send along sample communications materials, such as template emails or social media posts.

5. Stay in touch

  • Motivate your fundraisers and other supporters by communicating about campaign updates, goals, milestones reached, inspirational content etc. 
  • Offer constant support that you’re invested in their success.

A note about payment forms

Give Lively has two generations of payment forms in use. Your choice of features will dictate which form appears. At present, Peer-to-Peer Fundraising is supported by both generations of payment forms. Activation of Peer-to-Peer Fundraising alongside the other items on this list may trigger the second-generation payment form. Any combination of features or products beyond those detailed on this list will continue to see use of the first-generation donation form.

IMPORTANT: Both generations of payment forms guide donors through very similar giving experiences and there is no reason a nonprofit should favor one payment form over the other. Over the next few months, the new payment form will become the standard for all Give Lively donation pages. Learn more here.


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